sur INVESTIS Holding SA (isin : CH0325094297)
Investis finalizes its real estate acquisitions and plans new purchases
The Investis group announces the finalization of five real estate acquisitions announced on June 24. The total amount of these transactions amounts to 201 million Swiss francs, with a gross rental income of 12.5 million francs.
In addition, Investis has signed contracts for the purchase of two other residential buildings for an amount of 15.8 million francs, one purchase of which has already been completed. The finalization of the second purchase is expected in the coming weeks.
Despite these acquisitions, the debt-to-capital (LTV) ratio remains lower than the previous year, remaining at 26% as of December 31, 2023.
Stéphane Bonvin, CEO of Investis, says these investments optimize the company's portfolio, supported by a solid equity base.
R. E.
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