sur Intershop Holding AG (isin : CH0273774791)

Intershop Concludes 2024 with Key Transactions

Intershop Holding AG capped a transaction-dense 2024 by completing two purchases and two sales in December. Over the year, the firm acquired seven properties and sold six, with a final purchase set for February 2025.

In December, Intershop sold properties in Dielsdorf (ZH) and Lyss (BE), realizing over CHF 41 million in gross sales. These transactions exceeded profit forecasts of CHF 10 to 20 million pre-tax as initially reported mid-year.

Simultaneously, Intershop acquired properties in Opfikon (ZH) and Niederwangen (BE). The Opfikon site is earmarked for future residential development, while the Niederwangen purchase lies in a major development zone, promising substantial rental income.

A notarized purchase of a fully-let commercial property in Kemptthal is due to close in February 2025, bolstering rental income and development potential.

R. P.

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