sur Intershop Holding AG (isin : CH0273774791)

Intershop Acquires Industrial Site in Zuchwil

Intershop Holding AG has acquired a 35,600 m² industrial and commercial plot in Zuchwil from Activ-Gewerbe-Park AG. This Scintilla area offers 40,000 m² of lettable space with an estimated rental value of CHF 4.0 million annually. Currently, the site has an 11% vacancy rate, representing 4,400 m². Following the main tenant's planned exit in March 2025, available space will increase to 29,900 m², permitting a strategic repositioning of the site.

Located between Zuchwil and Solothurn, the property features excellent access and is anticipated to benefit from local redevelopment. The acquisition aligns with Intershop's strategy to enhance its portfolio through development opportunities. The financial details remain undisclosed. This move strengthens Intershop's focus on creating value via development potential.

R. E.

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