sur CareSimple Inc.

Innovative Collaboration Aimed at Improving Maternal and Infant Health in Mississippi

The Institute for the Advancement of Minority Health (IAMH) has partnered with digital health provider CareSimple as part of the HRSA's Rural Maternity & Obstetrics Management Strategies (RMOMS) program. This collaboration focuses on deploying Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) technology to enhance care for mothers and infants in rural Mississippi, where the maternal mortality rate is notably high among black women.

CareSimple will provide IAMH and associated clinical entities with tools to monitor critical health parameters such as blood pressure, body weight, and glucose levels during and post-pregnancy. Additionally, the partnership aims to develop tailored care plans early in pregnancy to address individual needs and reduce risk factors associated with maternal health.

Dr. Sandra Melvin of IAMH highlights the critical importance of early risk identification to reduce maternal mortality rates. Meanwhile, Michael Nadeau of CareSimple emphasizes the significance of early interventions and postpartum monitoring in promoting health and reducing delivery-related complications.

R. E.

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