sur Innomotics GmbH

Innomotics Drives Netherlands' Largest Heat Pump System

Innomotics, alongside ENECO and Johnson Controls, has successfully inaugurated the largest heat pump system in the Netherlands. Situated at Utrecht's municipal wastewater treatment facility, this system leverages residual heat from 65 million liters of wastewater daily. With the capacity to produce 25-27 MW of heat, it meets approximately 15% of the district heating demand in Utrecht and Nieuwegein, benefiting around 20,000 households while reducing 30,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually.

Innomotics' contributions include eight Perfect Harmony GH180 frequency drives and A-Compact Plus units. The system utilizes ammonia as a natural refrigerant, optimizing the district heating network's efficiency by recovering 1 MW of additional heat from motors and drives.

This landmark project underscores the effective collaboration between ENECO, Johnson Controls, and Innomotics and represents a replicable model for urban renewable energy solutions.

R. E.

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