sur Rush Rare Metals Corp. (isin : CA7820101029)

Initial Drilling Results Promising for Rush's Copper Mountain Project

Rush Rare Metals Corp. has reported promising initial drilling results at its Copper Mountain Uranium Project in Wyoming. These results were shared by their earn-in partner, Myriad Uranium Corp. According to the announced results, the grades of equivalent uranium (eU3O8) seem to align with historical data gathered from prior exploration spending.

Peter Smith, CEO of Rush, commented on the significance of these findings, stating they validate historical reports and could enhance efficiency in the development of Copper Mountain. Moreover, the ongoing exploration at the Canning area is just the beginning, with several other areas marked for potential exploration based on historical records.

These developments suggest a sizable potential for the Copper Mountain project, indicating a strong future outlook for Rush Rare Metals in the region.

R. H.

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