sur Init Innovation In Traffic Systems AG (isin : DE0005759807)
Init SE anticipates another record year
After winning two major contracts in the first quarter of 2024, init innovation in traffic systems SE's order backlog grew to EUR 384m, compared to EUR 195m the previous year. The company expects a 10-15% growth in the coming years. At the shareholders’ meeting, a dividend increase to EUR 0.70 per share was approved.
CEO Dr. Gottfried Greschner highlighted the global trend towards sustainable investment in public transport as a growth driver. The company’s software solutions are expected to enhance productivity and safety. The init share price has risen by over 30% in the past six months.
Two key figures, Dr. Jürgen Greschner and Hans-Joachim Rühlig, announced their departure. Both were praised for their significant contributions to the company's growth and international success.
R. H.
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