sur Init Innovation In Traffic Systems AG (isin : DE0005759807)

Init Innovation in Traffic Systems Achieves Significant Growth

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Init Innovation In Traffic Systems AG (EBR:IXX).

Init Innovation in Traffic Systems SE, a specialist in digital solutions for public transport, has reported notable financial achievements for 2024. The company almost doubled its incoming orders to EUR 433 million, compared to EUR 225 million in 2023. Revenue grew by 26%, reaching EUR 265.7 million, with expectations to surpass EUR 300 million in 2025.

EBIT increased to EUR 24.5 million, though it remained at the lower end due to higher costs and exchange rate fluctuations. A key highlight was a substantial order from Atlanta for the 2026 World Cup, valued at over EUR 100 million. This positions Init as a leader in smart public transport infrastructure.

Major contracts with Transport for London contribute to a robust order backlog, more than doubling from the previous year. Init plans to focus on improving profitability, aiming for at least a 10-15% growth in the subsequent years, leveraging digital transformation and AI technologies.

R. E.

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