Information relating to the number of shares and voting rights of HDF Energy as of March 31, 2024

In accordance with AMF regulatory standards, HDF Energy has published figures relating to its capital as of March 31, 2024. The Bordeaux-based company announces a total of 14,422,454 shares making up its capital. The number of theoretical voting rights amounts to 23,590,223, while the exercisable voting rights amount to 23,560,912. This clarification integrates in detail the distinction between voting rights with and without treasury shares.

The calculation of the total number of theoretical voting rights includes all shares that can be exercised, in accordance with article 223-11 of the AMF General Regulations. HDF Energy also highlights its commitment to the development of clean technologies, particularly through the manufacturing of fuel cells intended to reduce decarbonization in various sectors. Their mass production is planned near Bordeaux from 2025.

R. P.

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