Information on the public purchase offer by Boréal Bidco SAS for Esker

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ESKER (EPA:ALESK).

Boréal Bidco SAS has announced the acquisition of Esker SA shares for a price of 262 euros per share. This public purchase offer is set for a period of 25 trading days, in agreement with the Financial Markets Authority (AMF).

The AMF has approved the conformity of the offer via a visa, and Boréal Bidco SAS has filed the necessary legal information. This information is available on the websites of the AMF, Esker and Bridgepoint.

The offeror is considering a mandatory squeeze-out of the remaining shares if they represent less than 10% of Esker's capital, with compensation equal to the offer price. Legal restrictions apply to residents of certain jurisdictions.

R. E.

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