sur Infillion

Infillion Releases New Study on the Declining Trend of Ad Clicks

New research unveiled by Infillion, a tech platform specializing in cookieless advertising solutions, indicates a marked decrease in consumer interest in clicking online ads. The study titled "Is CTR Really Dead? The State of Digital Advertising's Most Famous Metric" suggests that consumers' reluctance stems from ad saturation and safety concerns, with only six percent frequently clicking on appealing ads.

The research, using Infillion's AI-driven Phonic survey technology, highlights that consumers are likely to avoid clicking ads unless they recognize the brand and believe in the offered value. They prefer to research the brand via other channels rather than direct ad clicks. The study also pointed out a significant consumer shift towards direct brand engagement rather than responding to ads.

In an effort to counteract this trend, Infillion collaborated with fitness brand WHOOP, employing a strategy that significantly improved click-through rates to 9.1%, substantially higher than the industry norm, by clarifying the call-to-action and providing incentives.

Consumer feedback from the study emphasized privacy and security concerns, with a considerable percentage avoiding ads due to tracking fears and potential unsafe landing pages. This report underlines the necessity for advertisers to adapt to changing consumer behaviors and develop more trustworthy and engaging ad strategies.

R. H.

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