sur Information Services Department, Hong Kong SAR Government

Inaugural Flight of C919 Marks New Milestone for Hong Kong Aviation

On January 1, 2025, Hong Kong celebrated the first scheduled commercial flight of China's domestically developed C919 passenger jet. The flight, operated by China Eastern Airlines, signified a historic moment as it introduced the C919 to international airways with a route between Hong Kong International Airport and Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport.

Mable Chan, Hong Kong's Secretary for Transport and Logistics, highlighted Hong Kong's capabilities in aircraft maintenance, training, and leasing, underlining its role as a global aviation hub. She emphasized Hong Kong's strategic position under "one country, two systems" in supporting China's aviation advancements.

The newly commissioned three-runway system at HKIA is expected to boost capacity significantly, enhancing Hong Kong's airport growth into an Airport City. This expansion includes various projects aimed at bolstering economic activities and establishing a leading interconnected landmark.

R. H.

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