sur Implenia AG (isin : CH0023868554)

Implenia Wins Strategic Contracts Across Switzerland, Germany, and Sweden

Implenia AG has secured new contracts totaling over CHF 240 million in Switzerland, Germany, and Sweden, emphasizing the company's strategic focus on sustainability and complex projects. These projects, vital in various sectors, showcase Implenia's expertise and its commitment to pioneering large and challenging endeavors.

In Switzerland, Implenia is to construct two high-performance data centres for Green in Dielsdorf near Zurich, marking further collaboration following the successful construction of previous facilities in the area. The continued partnership reflects Implenia's strong position in the data centre market and its potential for growth.

Furthermore, the company has been entrusted with developing a new residential area in the canton of Zurich, underlining its expertise in the living space sector. The project, valued at around CHF 100 million, is scheduled to commence in April 2024, with completion expected by summer 2027.

In Germany, Implenia takes on the construction of the "Midstad Karlsruhe” project, a sustainable office building in Karlsruhe. Aiming for DGNB Platinum and demolition certifications, the project highlights Implenia's commitment to sustainability through innovative solutions such as solar power and rainwater harvesting.

Additionally, in Sweden, Implenia is engaged in constructing the Ersmark tunnel as part of the Norrbotnia Line. This railway project, which aims to enable faster and more sustainable travel, positions Implenia at the forefront of infrastructural development in the region.

R. P.

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