sur Immunic AG

Immunic to Participate in Upcoming MS Research Day and Investor Conferences

Immunic, Inc. (Nasdaq: IMUX) has announced its participation in significant events in April focusing on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) research and investment opportunities. The biotech company, specializing in therapies for chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, will host an MS R&D Day on April 9, featuring discussions on recent advancements in the MS field, including preclinical and clinical data for its Nurr1 activator, vidofludimus calcium. The event, set in San Francisco, aims to highlight the neuroprotective potential of this late-stage clinical asset.

Furthermore, Immunic's presence will extend to the Accelerating Bio-Innovation 2024 UK conference from April 15-17, where CEO Daniel Vitt will engage in one-on-one meetings. The company will also participate in the Noble Capital Markets Emerging Growth Virtual Healthcare Equity Conference on April 17-18, including a fireside chat and individual investor meetings. This dual approach underscores Immunic's commitment to advancing MS research and fostering investor relations.

R. H.

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