sur Immunic AG

Immunic Announces February Participation in Key Conferences

Immunic, Inc. (Nasdaq: IMUX), specializing in oral therapies for chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, plans to engage in several conferences during February. These events will provide a platform to present their latest advancements and engage with stakeholders.

Notably, Dr. Daniel Vitt, CEO, will engage in meetings at the BIO CEO & Investor Conference on February 10-11 in New York. Following this, Dr. Vitt participates in a virtual fireside chat at the Oppenheimer Healthcare Conference on February 11-12.

Further, Immunic presents critical data at the ECCO Congress in Berlin from February 19-22, showcasing research on IMU-856. They will also attend the Neuroimmunology Summit and ACTRIMS Forum, promoting their lead asset, vidofludimus calcium (IMU-838), pivotal for neuroprotection in multiple sclerosis.

R. P.

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