sur IMMOFINANZ AG (isin : AT0000809058)
IMMOFINANZ and CPIPG Initiate Integration and Potential Combination Review
The boards of IMMOFINANZ AG have approved a framework agreement with CPI Property Group S.A. to establish a joint review process. This will examine potential business combinations, cross-border mergers, or other forms of integration of assets, functions, and key corporate entities. The goal is to optimize the group's capital structure and achieve operational and cost efficiencies for shareholders.
IMMOFINANZ AG, a commercial real estate group, focuses on office and retail segments in eight European markets, including Austria, Germany, and Poland. The company manages and develops properties under established brands such as STOP SHOP, VIVO!, and myhive. As of the end of 2022, IMMOFINANZ increased its investment in S IMMO to over 50%, consolidating the company fully. IMMOFINANZ holds more than 500 properties valued at approximately EUR 8.1 billion and is listed on the Vienna and Warsaw stock exchanges.
R. E.
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