Imerys Releases 2024 Consolidated Financial Statements

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action IMERYS (EPA:NK).

Imerys has announced the publication of its consolidated financial statements for the 2024 fiscal year. The release includes a report from the Statutory Auditors. Detailed documents are accessible on the company's website. Imerys, a global leader in mineral-based specialty solutions, reported a revenue of €3.6 billion in 2024. The group employs 12,400 people across 40 countries.

Imerys provides advanced solutions to a variety of industries focusing on energy transition and sustainable construction. The company leverages its expertise in application technology and material science to enhance product performance for its customers. Committed to sustainability, Imerys advocates for environmentally friendly products and supports its clients in their decarbonization initiatives.

R. E.

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