sur IGC Pharma, Inc. (NASDAQ:IGC)

IGC Pharma to Engage in Strategic Discussion with Ascendiant Capital Markets

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action IGC Pharma, Inc. (EBR:IGC).

IGC Pharma, Inc. announced the participation of its CEO, Ram Mukunda, and CCO, Claudia Grimaldi, in a fireside chat hosted by Ascendiant Capital Markets. The session, scheduled for January 23, 2025, aims to shed light on the company's recent advancements and strategic plans.

The discussion will encompass progress in the Alzheimer's pipeline, expansion into metabolic disorders, and the use of artificial intelligence in drug discovery. Upcoming milestones will be covered, including new clinical trials and developments aimed at broadening the company's market in Alzheimer's and weight loss therapies.

This participation underscores IGC Pharma's commitment to innovation in biotechnological treatment, focusing on areas such as Alzheimer's disease and metabolic disorders.

R. H.

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