sur IGC Pharma, Inc. (NASDAQ:IGC)
IGC Pharma Emerges as Top 15 Finalist in Alzheimer's Detection Challenge

IGC Pharma, Inc. has been recognized as one of the top 15 finalists in the PREPARE Challenge, organized by the National Institute on Aging. This commendation underscores the company's innovative use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning for early detection of Alzheimer's disease.
The PREPARE Challenge promotes breakthroughs in diagnosing Alzheimer’s with AI tools focusing on precision, cost, and access. IGC's AI model analyzes acoustic biomarkers from voice recordings to predict Alzheimer’s and related dementias.
CEO Ram Mukunda highlights IGC Pharma's dedication to bridging critical healthcare gaps with multilingual AI, covering English, Spanish, and Chinese. As the competition progresses, IGC will demonstrate the model's capability across various demographics, aiming to enhance interpretability and healthcare insights.
With Alzheimer's cases prevalent globally and diagnostics market set to grow, IGC's advancement showcases its commitment to AI-driven innovations in neurodegenerative disease management.
R. H.
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