sur IFabric Corp (isin : CA45172X2032)
IFabric Corp. Reports Fifth Year of Revenue Growth
iFabric Corp. has achieved its fifth consecutive year of revenue growth, according to a recent announcement. Despite challenges like the Port of Vancouver strike affecting fourth-quarter deliveries, the company reported a 20% increase in revenues for the full year 2024, surpassing $27 million. This uptick represents the largest single-quarter performance in the company's history.
iFabric Corp. is optimistic about 2025, focusing on cutting-edge apparel solutions and expanding product lines. CEO Hylton Karon noted the company's strong team and customer trust as key growth drivers. New product initiatives and solid core programs are set to bolster revenue and profit gains.
The company remains committed to exploring new markets and expanding its product portfolio, anticipating another strong year ahead.
R. P.
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