Ida Simonsen Appointed President and CEO of SMCP North America

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action SMCP (EPA:SMCP).

SMCP Group has announced the appointment of Ida Simonsen as President and CEO for North America. She succeeds Paul Griffin, who will pursue his career outside the Group.

Isabelle Guichot, CEO of SMCP Group, praised Simonsen’s leadership qualities, industry expertise, and passion for people. Guichot expressed confidence in Simonsen's ability to lead the North American team and drive growth in the region.

Simonsen expressed her enthusiasm for joining SMCP, highlighting the company’s craftsmanship, Parisian elegance, and modern fashion vision. She looks forward to working with the group’s talented teams to expand their brands in North America.

With over 12 years of experience at Stella McCartney, Simonsen played a crucial role in expanding the brand's presence in the Americas. She also navigated significant transitions, including a key shareholder change, and held leadership positions at Marni.

R. E.

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