sur HUNYVERS (isin : FR0014007LQ2)
Hunyvers announces strong revenue growth for 2023-2024
Hunyvers SA, a specialist in the distribution of recreational vehicles, recorded a 15.9% increase in its consolidated turnover for the 2023-2024 financial year, reaching 130.3 million euros. This performance comes in a complex sector context, notably marked by high inventories of new vehicles. Sales in the VDL branch increased by 4.1%, while the Nautisme branch saw its turnover increase almost fivefold to 16.9 million euros, thanks in particular to acquisitions.
For the following financial year, Hunyvers anticipates double-digit growth in its turnover, targeting at least 150 million euros, despite the withdrawal of initial forecasts of more than 170 million euros. The group should benefit from the positive impact of the integration of recent acquisitions, particularly in the Nautical sector, and the structuring of this division.
R. P.
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