sur HUBER+SUHNER AG (isin : CH0030380734)
HUBER+SUHNER Sees Growth in 2024 Sales and Order Intake
HUBER+SUHNER, the Swiss-based global company, reported an increase in order intake and net sales for 2024. The Group's order intake rose 10.5% year-on-year to CHF 908.0 million, while net sales increased by 5.0% to CHF 893.9 million, despite a challenging economic landscape. The company's success was primarily driven by robust performance in the Communication segment, and progress in the aerospace and defense sectors within the Industry segment.
The Communication segment registered double-digit growth, largely fueled by mobile infrastructure projects in India and AI investments. Conversely, the Transportation segment experienced a decline due to weak demand in automotive, despite positive developments in the railway subsegment.
HUBER+SUHNER maintained its guidance for a 9.0–10.5% operating profit margin for the year, reflecting its effective strategic diversification and focus on growth initiatives.
R. H.
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