sur HUBER+SUHNER AG (isin : CH0030380734)

HUBER+SUHNER Reports Sales and Profit Increase for 2024

HUBER+SUHNER AG has announced an increase in both sales and profit for 2024 despite challenging economic conditions. The company reported a 10.5% rise in order intake, reaching CHF 908.0 million, and net sales climbed by 5.0% to CHF 893.9 million. The EBIT margin improved by 60 basis points to 9.7%, leading to a net income surge of 11.5% to CHF 72.3 million. The company proposes a higher dividend of CHF 1.90 per share.

Growth was mainly driven by the Communication segment, which saw order intake grow by 21.1%, aided by a major infrastructure project in India. In contrast, the Transportation segment experienced a 7.6% decline in order intake and net sales due to sluggish demand in the automotive subsegment.

For 2025, HUBER+SUHNER anticipates stable net sales, aiming to maintain an operating profit margin within the target range of 9–12%, provided external factors remain stable.

R. E.

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