HRS: A Year of Major Achievements with a Reduced Turnover
HRS, the European leader in hydrogen refueling stations, announced an annual turnover of 24.8 million euros for the 2023/2024 financial year, down 17.6% compared to the previous year. The reasons for this gap include canceled orders, production delays and a slower pace of market deployment.
Despite this decline, the company highlights important developments. Maintenance activity contributed €0.5 million and the order book stands at €47.1 million, including €19 million for refueling stations currently in production. HRS also received international orders, notably in Saudi Arabia.
The outlook for 2024/2025 is positive with expected growth in turnover between 20% and 60%, i.e. a range of €30 to €40 million. The company continues to expand internationally, with projects in the United States and potential expansion into China and Asia Pacific.
HRS remains focused on innovation, business development and rigorous financial management to strengthen its market leadership position in an uncertain economic environment.
R. H.
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