Hopium: Successful trials and progress towards commercialization

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action HOPIUM (EPA:ALHPI).

On October 7, 2024, Hopium announced the successful completion of its road trials for its 100 kW hydrogen fuel cell system. This milestone marks a significant step towards the commercialization of its technology aimed at decarbonizing heavy-duty transportation. The tests, conducted on the UTAC circuit, validated the robustness and reliability of the system in real-world conditions (TRL7).

These tests included dynamic cycles and speed ring tests, simulating heavy transport uses. Stéphane Rabatel, CEO of Hopium, expressed his satisfaction with this progress, the result of several years of R&D. He emphasizes the enormous potential of this system for various applications, with a market launch planned around 2025.

Hopium is now focusing on its industrial development, including the construction of an automated assembly line. In parallel, the company is preparing a 200 kW system to meet the needs of the heavy-duty transport market.

R. E.

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