sur Hop On A Cure
Hop On A Cure Makes Financial Contribution Toward ALS CURE Project
ATLANTA, GA / ACCESSWIRE / July 9, 2024 / Hop On A Cure, a leading advocate in the fight against ALS, has announced a financial contribution to the ALS CURE Project. This funding specifically supports the organization's 3ML Project, which aims to develop a multi-modal longitudinal ML/statistical model. This model analyzes ALS patients' biometrics and correlates them with functional measures like speech and movement using everyday devices.
Founded in 2019 by Mike and Stephen Piscotty in honor of Gretchen Piscotty, ALS CURE Project focuses on identifying ALS disease mechanisms, including progression, diagnostic, and prognostic biomarkers. These biomarkers help develop tests that accurately diagnose ALS, enabling immediate treatment.
"We’re on the clock when it comes to finding a cure for ALS," said David Hopkins, VP of Community Investments at Hop On A Cure. "Mike and his team are exploring novel biometrics to catch the disease earlier and gauge progression." Mike Piscotty, President of ALS CURE Project, expressed gratitude for the funding, emphasizing that the contribution will support innovative research using machine learning to analyze patients' MRI and blood samples for functional decline insights.
R. P.
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