sur Information Services Department, Hong Kong SAR Government

Hong Kong's Path to Green Maritime Leadership

Hong Kong Maritime Week 2024, themed "Navigating to a Greener Future," has attracted 14,500 maritime professionals from around the globe. This flagship event, running from November 17 to 23, showcases over 50 events organized by more than 80 marine organizations, emphasizing green initiatives in the maritime sector.

Key highlights include Hong Kong's pioneering green incentive scheme for registered ships and the newly announced Action Plan on Green Maritime Fuel Bunkering. Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Lam Sai-hung, emphasized infrastructure development and international cooperation to enhance green maritime practices.

The event also focuses on Hong Kong's significant role in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, supported by its robust maritime law and logistics services. Acting Chief Executive Chan Kwok-ki highlighted the city's rank as the fourth International Shipping Centre, pointing to a future as a green, smart port.

R. H.

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