sur Information Services Department, Hong Kong SAR Government
Hong Kong's 2025-26 Budget Boosts Innovation and AI Development
Hong Kong's Financial Secretary, Paul Chan, highlighted innovation and technology as focal points in the 2025-26 Budget. Emphasizing Artificial Intelligence (AI), Chan outlined Hong Kong's intent to become an international exchange hub for the AI industry.
Key initiatives include allocating HK$1 billion to establish the Hong Kong AI Research and Development Institute. Additionally, the Hong Kong Exchanges is creating a "technology enterprises channel" to facilitate tech company listings.
For smart manufacturing, a HK$100 million Pilot Manufacturing and Production Line Upgrade Support Scheme was announced. This includes funding of up to HK$250,000 per company to introduce advanced technologies.
Further plans include the establishment of a third InnoHK research cluster and hosting international AI-focused events, promoting global co-operation.
R. P.
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