sur Honey Badger Silver Inc. (isin : CA4383402001)
Honey Badger Silver Inc. Shareholders Greenlight Key Resolutions
In a recent meeting held on February 14, 2025, Honey Badger Silver Inc. announced shareholder approval of all proposed resolutions. A key highlight was the endorsement of a new fixed equity incentive plan. This plan, initially approved by the board in December 2024, is aimed at directors, officers, and other company affiliates, reserving 10% of outstanding common shares for issuance.
Additionally, shareholders approved Chad Williams as a "Control Person" in the company, recognizing his significant stake of 27.1% in company shares. This approval followed his acquisition of over 2.9 million shares through a private placement, part of which was held in escrow.
Williams expressed plans to adjust his investment based on market conditions. The resolutions signal strategic movements in Honey Badger's governance and equity structure, aligning with its growth strategies.
R. P.
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