sur Honey Badger Silver Inc. (isin : CA4383402001)

Honey Badger Silver Identifies Promising Exploration Targets at Yava Project

Honey Badger Silver Inc. has identified six high-priority exploration targets at its Yava Project in Nunavut, based on geological and geophysical analyses. These include two high-priority conductors on the Raptor claim block and four others on the Yava claim block. None of these targets have been drill-tested yet.

Conductor M-3, one of the notable targets, is located 1.25 km northwest of the Yava Main Zone and has shown significant mineralization in past samples, including gold, silver, lead, and zinc. The zone may be part of a larger mineralized system extending from the Yava Main Zone, increasing the project's exploration prospects.

The project's proximity to major undeveloped silver resources enhances its appeal. Honey Badger aims to verify these new targets with a field program, potentially elevating its discovery potential.

R. E.

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