sur Honey Badger Silver Inc. (isin : CA4383402001)

Honey Badger Silver Identifies New Targets at Yava Project

Honey Badger Silver Inc. has announced the identification of six high-priority exploration targets at its Yava Project in Nunavut. This includes two high-priority conductors on the Raptor claim block and four on the main Yava claim block. None of these targets have been drill-tested yet.

Conductor M-3, located near the Yava Main Zone, showed significant mineralization with historical sample assays revealing notable concentrations of silver, lead, and zinc. This discovery aligns with geological evidence suggesting a northwestern extension of the Yava Main Zone.

The Yava Project, enriched with geophysical and mineral evidence, strengthens Honey Badger's exploration portfolio. Located close to Glencore's Hackett River project, the proximity amplifies the geological promise of Yava.

Dorian L. Nicol, CEO, highlighted the potential of Yava, emphasizing their plan to conduct further field checks.

R. E.

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