sur Honey Badger Silver Inc. (isin : CA4383402001)

Honey Badger Silver Acquires Key Geologic Database for Nanisivik Project

Honey Badger Silver Inc. announced the acquisition of a historic drill database for the Nanisivik Project in Nunavut, which owns intricate geological data on the claims. CEO Dorian L. Nicol highlighted the database's profound value, noting the prohibitive cost, over $40 million, to replicate this data today. Nicol described the months of diligent efforts in securing this database, which will now be used to explore and assess potential commercially viable mineral sites based on current metal prices.

The acquired data reveals potential for significant silver deposits estimated at up to 100 million ounces at 30-50 grams per ton. The project area, enhanced by proximity to a new deep-sea port near the historical Nanisivik Mine, shows prospective commercial viability for pyrite bodies containing silver and other minerals like germanium, gallium, and indium. Nicol expressed optimism in identifying new exploration targets from this rich dataset, aiming for extensive economic evaluation and possible resource estimation updates.

R. P.

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