HKSTP Builds Bridges with International Tech Talent through European Tour
The Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP), led by CEO Albert Wong, recently completed a significant European Innovation Mixer tour. The delegation engaged with over 1,000 students and innovation and technology talents, promoting opportunities in Hong Kong. Additionally, they secured more than 1,000 business collaboration opportunities, enhancing Hong Kong's innovation and technology (I&T) ecosystem.
At the Mobile World Congress 2025 in Barcelona, HKSTP, alongside 24 I&T companies, attracted over 7,500 visitors at the Hong Kong Pavilion. This included representatives from major global brands, leading to numerous business collaboration opportunities. A cooperation agreement with 22@Network Barcelona was also signed to support cross-regional exchanges.
Efforts are underway to launch a new talent program aimed at attracting Hong Kong students and professionals abroad back to the city, promoting growth within the I&T sector.
R. P.
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