HiPay: growth of 10.5% in turnover in the first half of 2024
HiPay, fintech specializing in omnichannel payment solutions, announces growth of 10.5% in its turnover in the first half of 2024. The volume of payments reached 4.1 billion euros (+1.3%) despite a complex macroeconomic context.
This significant progression is mainly the result of favorable mix effects and the dynamism of the iGaming/Digital and international markets. iGaming/Digital turnover shows growth of 18.1%, while international revenue stands at +18.7%.
The historic retail markets in France and Europe are stable with an increase of 0.4%, influenced by a gloomy economic environment.
Projections for the 2024 financial year anticipate revenue growth of between 6 and 9%, supported by the launch of new customers.
R. P.
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