Hipay Group launches a capital increase of 6.765 million euros
On January 6, 2025, HiPay Group announced a capital increase of €6.765 million. This operation, with preferential subscription rights (DPS), aims to issue 1,353,000 new shares at a unit price of €5. To subscribe, 11 existing shares will allow the acquisition of 3 new shares. Shareholders will have a subscription period from January 10 to 24, 2025.
This capital increase supports HiPay Group's growth projects, including technological investment and debt reduction. The issue is supported by BJ Invest with a 75% subscription commitment.
The DPS will be tradable on Euronext Growth Paris from January 8 to 22, 2025. Although not guaranteed, the transaction is structured to preserve shareholders' current participation if they exercise their DPS.
R. H.
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