HiPay Group 2025 Financial Calendar
HiPay Group has unveiled its financial calendar for the year 2025. The first announcements include the turnover for 2024, expected for February 27, 2025. The company then plans to publish its results for the past year on April 14 and present these results at a meeting scheduled for the same day at 4 p.m.
The first quarter 2025 revenue will be announced on May 6, followed by the General Meeting scheduled for June 4 at 10 a.m. In the second half, the financial data for the first half will be announced on July 29, with the half-year results expected on September 17, when they will be presented at 4 p.m.
Finally, the communication concerning the turnover for the third quarter of 2025 is set for November 4. These dates, however, remain indicative and could be adjusted depending on the circumstances.
R. P.
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