sur Hinkel & Cie. GmbH (isin : DE000A2AAPX4)

Hinkel & Cie. GmbH Proposes Bond Term Extension

Hinkel & Cie. GmbH has announced its intent to extend the maturity of a bond valued at EUR 920,000. The bond, initially maturing on April 1, 2026, is now proposed to be extended to March 31, 2029. This decision stems from challenges in the current market environment that have made the scheduled repayment by the original maturity date uncertain according to the company's management.

The extension aims to provide Hinkel & Cie. GmbH with greater flexibility for its business development plans. A creditors' vote is anticipated to take place in mid-March 2025 and an initial meeting is scheduled for April 2025. Should this meeting not meet the required quorum, a second meeting will be organized promptly.

Additional options and modifications to the bond conditions are under review and will be coordinated with major creditors or their representatives.

R. H.

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