sur Highway 50 Gold Corp. (isin : CA4312481035)

Highway 50 Gold Corp. Expands with Acquisition of Quito North Project

Highway 50 Gold Corp. announced the acquisition of 28 unpatented claims in the Quito North area, located near Austin, Central Nevada. This strategic expansion covers the northeast corner of the Quito Lower-plate window and includes significant sections of mineralized structures related to the former Quito Mine. This area spans across 3,000 meters of northern projection intersecting with the Jurassic-aged Johnson Canyon laccolith.

The newly acquired land includes the Bleach Cliffs area, south of the laccolith, known for notable concentrations of arsenic, antimony, and low-grade gold. Historically, the site has seen only limited exploration, with shallow drilling indicating potential signs of a more substantial gold deposit below the detected surface levels. Furthermore, the southern portion of the Quito North claims extends to the Section 25 target area, previously identified for low-grade gold through trenching and shallow drilling processes.

Highway 50's management has drawn parallels between the geological features of the Quito and Cortez windows, citing similarities with notable gold discoveries in the region. This acquisition underscores the company's commitment to further exploring and possibly developing this historically gold-rich district, which has seen intermittent exploration since the discovery of high-grade gold in the 1980s.

R. E.

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