sur Hamburger Hafen Und Logistik AG (isin : DE000A0S8488)
HHLA Achieves Growth in Revenue and Earnings
Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) has reported a positive growth in revenue and earnings for January to September 2024. Group revenue increased by 8.5% to €1,182.9 million, while EBIT saw a 23.2% rise to €93.2 million. The expansion of its European network and increased storage charges at Hamburg terminals were key drivers.
Container handling slightly rose by 0.9% to 4,496 thousand TEU, and container transport surged by 8.1% to 1,321 thousand TEU. Despite a challenging global economic environment, HHLA improved its operations, particularly in its Intermodal segment, supported by subsidiaries Metrans and Roland Spedition.
The Port Logistics subgroup also reported a revenue increase to €1,155.9 million, with a notable EBIT rise of 31.8%. The Container and Intermodal segments both experienced significant revenue and volume growth, while the Real Estate subgroup faced a slight decline in revenue by 1.9%.
R. P.
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