HEXAOM and Groupe Trecobat Acquire AST Groupe Assets

On September 30, 2024, Hexaom and Groupe Trecobat jointly bid to acquire AST Groupe's division of tiny houses and timber-framed constructions. The Lyon Commercial Court approved the takeover, effective immediately.

Uniting their industrial and franchise expertise, the companies formed a joint venture, Hexabat Invest. With two subsidiaries, Hexabat Invest manages the industrial side through Pobi Industrie and the commercial side via Natireso. This move safeguards 118 jobs and supports the Natilia and Natibox networks.

The acquisition strengthens both companies' positions in timber-frame housing and expands offerings in the tiny house market, which generated €29.5 million in revenue in 2023. Hexaom CEO Loïc Vandromme highlights the strategic fit with the diversification strategy, while Trecobat CEO Alban Boyé emphasizes their industrial contribution to future growth.

R. H.

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