sur Goldinvest Consulting GmbH (isin : CA4957801083)

Hemostemix's Stem Cell Therapy: A Step Towards Youthful Health?

Canadian biotechnology firm Hemostemix has obtained the registered trademark "Your Fountain of Youth" for its stem cell therapy. This innovative treatment has shown statistically significant success in patients suffering from heart conditions, diabetic foot, and vascular dementia.

Hemostemix aims to make this therapy as routine as an annual spa visit. The company suggests the therapy can help individuals maintain mental clarity and quality of life well into their later decades, potentially reversing cardiovascular diseases in the heart, limbs, and brain.

The treatment's promise seems to align with Hemostemix's ambition of extending youthful vigor into advanced age. However, the release serves as a reminder of potential conflicts of interest, noting that Goldinvest Consulting GmbH holds shares in Hemostemix.

R. H.

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