sur Metall Zug AG (isin : CH0039821084)

Heinz M. Buhofer Secures Long-Term Anchor Shareholding in Metall Zug AG

Metall Zug AG announced a significant change in its anchor shareholding structure on May 17, 2024. Heinz M. Buhofer, former Chairman and major shareholder, has acquired a majority stake in Buhofer Trust I through an intrafamily share swap, claiming 56.7% of the voting rights in Metall Zug AG. This move ensures long-term control of the company's voting rights.

Founded in 1887 by Julius Weber-Locher, Metall Zug has remained substantially family-owned, with descendants holding 90% of voting rights. The share reorganization within the Buhofer family does not alter the overall distribution but centralizes control within the trust, with Heinz M. Buhofer gaining the ability to manage the unified voting rights.

The transfer involves 1,250,000 type A registered shares, conveying the majority voting power to the trust and solidifying the family's commitment to the future of the company and its stakeholders, including customers, employees, and shareholders.

R. E.

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