sur Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (isin : DE0007314007)

HEIDELBERG Achieves Targets and Closes Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Successfully

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (HEIDELBERG) has successfully met its financial targets for the fiscal year 2023/2024, maintaining stable sales and a consistent adjusted EBITDA margin despite significant market challenges. The company reported sales of approximately €2.4 billion and an EBITDA margin of 7.2%. Notably, it achieved the highest free cash flow in over a decade at around €50 million, adjusting for any special items.

Despite the overall industry facing a decline in orders due to economic and geopolitical pressures, HEIDELBERG's incoming orders demonstrated resilience, particularly with a strong recovery towards the end of the year. This was supported by robust business performances in Asia, notably in China. The company attributes these results to its early implementation of a value enhancement program, which involved over 250 measures aimed at boosting productivity and strengthening the financial foundation.

Looking ahead, HEIDELBERG is gearing up for the drupa trade fair, focusing on innovations that cater to the significant challenges of the printing industry, including automation and resource-efficient production practices. New products and technologies, such as the Speedmaster XL 106 and the "StackStar C" collaborative robot, will be highlighted, emphasizing HEIDELBERG's commitment to innovation and customer reliance.

R. E.

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