sur to Sponsor Keynote at the Prestigious AAA 2024+HearTECH Expo, a renowned online platform offering comprehensive hearing care resources, announces its sponsorship of the opening general session keynote at the American Academy of Audiology's (AAA) 2024+HearTECH Expo. The expo is set to take place from April 17-20, 2024, in Atlanta, Georgia, and is one of the highlights of the year for professionals in the audiology field.

The keynote speech, "A Doctor's Touch," will be presented by respected author and physician Abraham Verghese, MD, MACP, focusing on the importance of human connection in the medical field, especially in audiology. This partnership between and the AAA represents a significant step in promoting patient-centered care in hearing health. will also present a video during the keynote session, highlighting its directory of certified hearing care professionals and emphasizing the importance of high industry standards. The initiative aims to enhance patient care and clinical practices in the audiology community.

This sponsorship aligns with's dedication to a humanistic approach in hearing care, exemplified by the free online hearing screener and other resources the site offers for individuals experiencing hearing loss. The ultimate goal is to guide visitors towards effective management of their hearing health, by connecting them with certified professionals who prioritize empathy and high-quality care.

R. H.

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