HDF Energy inaugurates the world's first high-power hydrogen fuel cell factory
HDF Energy announced the inauguration of the world's first fuel cell manufacturing plant of more than one megawatt in Blanquefort. The site is dedicated to the decarbonization of heavy maritime and rail mobility as well as the production of electricity for public networks. This factory will also stimulate the local economy and contribute to reindustrialization in Europe.
During the inauguration, several political figures were present, including MP Pascale Boyer and Alain Rousset, president of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine regional council. The factory will produce PEM batteries, used in particular for light mobility and recognized for their efficiency and durability.
HDF Energy is developing innovative uses of hydrogen with the aim of zero-emission heavy mobility and the production of non-intermittent renewable electricity. The 7,000 m² factory is part of the “HDF Industry” project for the industrialization of fuel cells ranging from 1 to 10 MW.
The plant will be operational this summer and industrial production will begin in 2026, with a target capacity of 1 GW per year from 2030. HDF Energy benefits from numerous public support, notably from the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region and the European Commission. .
R. E.
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