HDF Energy and Tunisia team up for ambitious green hydrogen project

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action HDF (EPA:HDF).

HDF Energy has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Tunisian Ministry of Energy to launch a green hydrogen production project in Tunisia. The initial investment amounts to 3 billion euros, aimed at serving the European market and local needs.

This partnership is part of the Tunisian strategy to become a leader in green hydrogen production. The project provides a capacity of 1 GW of wind energy, 500 MW of photovoltaic energy and 800 MW of electrolysers to produce up to 65,000 tonnes of hydrogen.

The project will involve local investors and the Tunisian industrial fabric. The hydrogen produced will mainly be exported to Europe via the SoutH2 corridor. Tunisia aims to produce 8.3 million tonnes of green hydrogen by 2050, including 6 million for export.

R. H.

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