sur HBM Healthcare Investments AG (isin : CH0012627250)
HBM Healthcare Investments AG Reports Monthly Financial Performance
HBM Healthcare Investments AG has released its financial performance data for the month ending on February 29, 2024. The report outlines the company's Net Asset Value (NAV), share price, and total net assets, reflecting its fiscal standing during the given period.
The reported NAV per share stood at CHF 247.01, indicating a monthly increase of 7.6%, a slight yearly decrease of 0.1%, and a significant jump of 9.8% since the start of the calendar year. Conversely, the share price experienced a monthly decline of 1.2%, a notable yearly drop of 12.4%, and a minor decrease of 1.4% since the beginning of the year. HBM's total net assets were valued at CHF 1,701 million.
This data offers insight into HBM Healthcare Investments AG’s current financial health and market performance, highlighting the fluctuations in its NAV and share price. It serves as a crucial tool for investors assessing the company's short-term and long-term potential for growth and stability.
R. H.
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