sur Hardman & Co Research (isin : GB00BYYW9G87)

Hardman & Co Research on H&T Group: Global Pawnbroking Market Analysis

In a recent analysis by Hardman & Co, pawnbroking's global and historical context was examined, focusing on H&T Group. The global market stands at approximately $40 billion, with the UK representing just 5% of this figure. Pawnbroking is prevalent in various regions, including China, India, Islamic countries, the US, Europe, and the UK, dispelling the misconception of it being solely a UK-centric practice.

Many UK immigrants are familiar with pawnbroking from their countries of origin. The report highlights that the largest listed pawnbrokers trade at over twice the price-to-earnings ratio of H&T, despite similar forward earnings growth projections. Additionally, pawnbroking is typically a regulated industry, with generally favorable comments from regulators, as observed in the UK.

Pawnbroking's extensive history and global adoption challenge outdated views of the industry. For further details, interested parties can refer to the complete report available on Hardman & Co's website.

R. P.

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