sur Hapag-Lloyd AG (isin : DE000HLAG475)

Hapag-Lloyd Secures Green Financing for 24 New Eco-Friendly Ships

Hapag-Lloyd has completed green financing for 24 new container ships ordered in October 2024. This involves a $4 billion investment, aligning with their updated Green Financing Framework, certified by DNV according to the Loan Market Association's Green Loan Principles.

The financing covers 80% of the investment, with $900 million from internal funds, $500 million via bank loans, $1.8 billion through leasing, and $1.1 billion from a credit facility with Sinosure. The ships, boasting a 312,000 TEU capacity, will feature low-emission engines and be ammonia-ready, delivering between 2027 and 2029.

Committed to the Paris Agreement, Hapag-Lloyd aims to reduce fleet emissions by a third by 2030 and achieve net-zero by 2045. The move highlights the growing importance of green financing in achieving ambitious decarbonization goals.

R. P.

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